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Our signature combination of in-house and freelance

InLance makes it impossible to miss a project deadline or to deliver translations with QA errors. This system has helped our company to reduce translation costs and increase the quality of our translations beyond industry standards.

The InLance production system is based on two decades of experience in managing complicated translation and localisation projects. It has redefined the translation and localisation process by allowing freelance and in-house staff to work at the highest possible standards in a controlled and regulated environment.

The InLance system uses advanced algorithms and metrics monitoring in real time 24/7 all our translation and localisation projects. Our translation project managers are able to “manage by exception” using the InLance productivity and quality metrics.

When a delay in a translation project is detected by the system, both the linguist and the project manager are notified automatically to take corrective actions. The same applies to quality assurance. When a QA issue is detected, the system notifies the linguist and the project manager by indicating the number and type of errors. Then, the linguist is prompted by the system to make the necessary corrections.

Our Latest White Paper is Here!
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